On Thursday, February 26, Upper School Black Student Union (BSU) had their yearly assembly celebrating Black History Month. This year, the club members decided to focus on Beyonce's "Formation" music video and correlate different scenes of the video with current topics within the black community.
Below are the topics and presenters from the BSU assembly:
Below are the topics and presenters from the BSU assembly:
- Cultural Appropriation - Taylor Butler '16
- Black Beauty - Mimi Chouikha '16
- Civil Rights and Women in the Movement - Acacia Overstreet '17
- Police Brutality - Kayla Covington '16
- The Kalunga Line - Savannah Chatman '18
- Black Culture - Taya Lowery-Williams '18
- What Black History Month Means to Me - Megan Hunter '17 and Aisha Marston '18
Upper School Director Lisa Pence commented in an email, "You really made us all think and see in Beyonce's video so much more meaning than we would otherwise have understood or appreciated. You went straight ahead and addressed essential topics with credibility and command. That was awesome." The girls' candid presentation made an impact on the audience as the pop culture world intersected with present-day black history and culture.