Thursday, November 14, 2013

Veterans' Day Upper School Assembly

Veterans' Day Assembly: Honoring Vets and Life Lessons
By Upper School Division Director Lisa Pence
Today we welcomed Navy Lieutenant Samantha Dugan and former Air Force Captain Kelley Jessee, who captivated the Upper School community with their wit, wisdom, and insights into their respective educational journeys and military careers. Lieutenant Dugan currently specializes in US Navy Women's Policy while Ms. Jessee works as a Research and Development Engineer for the Department of Defense.
First they explained ways in which we can honor those who serve our country on an ongoing basis: always show respect to the symbols of our country, say a simple "thank you" whenever the opportunity presents itself, send care packages to vets overseas, and participate in the Wounded Warrior Foundation or other veteran-focused organizations.
Lt. Dugan and Ms. Jessee then addressed a number of questions posed by the girls, from how they have confronted stereotypes, to the challenges of working in a male-dominated field, to sexual harassment, to their most touching moments while in service. In each case, their responses came from a place of honesty and authenticity that was not lost on the girls, who were hanging on their every word.
In conclusion, these smart and engaging women shared with the girls their "Top 10 Bits of Wisdom." I am honored to pass them along so that we can reinforce the messages and perhaps benefit from them ourselves!
  1. BE POSITIVE -- positive energy is powerful & contagious!
  2. Be true to yourself -- you are amazing and unique!
  3. Your peers are not your enemy -- learn mutual respect and treat others well.
  4. Self-esteem is a building block for life – cultivate it in your peers by telling them their strengths.
  5. Be flexible -- when plans are changed it doesn’t mean failure! Make the best of a new opportunity.
  6. Teamwork matters – learn to work well with others.
  7. Be well-rounded personally – academics, athletics, and arts!
  8. Never stop learning
  9. Identify what you are passionate about and let that guide you.   Your heart knows happiness.
  10. Learn to love YOURSELF!
Please ask your daughter about this wonderful assembly, as I am sure they will not soon forget it -- nor do we want them to!