Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Middle School Spring Dance Performance

Today the Middle School spring dancers performed in the large dance studio to the delight of their fellow classmates and teachers. The focus this season was on improvisation and choreography. In small groups, the students developed pieces with the themes of friendship, insecurities, parallel universes, and the steps one takes to reach a goal. See a clip of one of the group's performances below!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month

Since May is Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month, the students studying Chinese in grades 6-9 had the opportunity to see and learn from artists demonstrating traditional Asian-Pacific folk arts such as dough figurines and sugar painting.


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Balinese Gamelan Music in Lower School

For over 23 years, the sounds of spring in the Holton-Arms Lower School have included the distinctive timbre of Balinese gamelan instruments. This global component of the music program came about as a result of sabbatical study in Bali by former Lower School music teacher Gerri Wilson. She passed on her knowledge about the music and culture to colleagues who came after her, to the benefit of hundreds of students over the years. Fifth grade students learn to play gamelan pieces on xylophones, but the fun really begins when our friend Nyoman Suadin, founder and artistic director of the local gamelan Mitra Kusuma, brings authentic instruments for the girls to play. Students find the sounds enticing and even mesmerizing, and they love to work to master the complicated interlocking rhythms and new playing techniques that Nyoman challenges them to learn.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Grade 5 - Speaker from Science Magazine

Since the fifth graders are currently creating two page spreads about the elements, the Lower School staff thought it would be a great idea to bring in Brad Wible, Senior Editor of Science Magazine published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, to speak to the class. Mr. Wible spoke about the importance of both science communication and peer review to ensure quality control.

College Mini-Fair

Today, the 9th and 10th grades attended a college mini-fair in Holton's Dining Room. About 15 colleges were represented by some of Holton's teachers and staff members who attended these colleges. The teachers and staff were excited to talk to the girls about their own experiences as undergraduates.

Although the actual college process is a little way off for these freshmen and sophomores, it was nice for the girls to learn about some of the many options. As juniors, they will several opportunities to attend large college fairs, but today's fair was a nice introduction to the process!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Senior Spirit Day 2014

It was a fantastic day all around for Senior Spirit Day! The seniors lined the entrance of the School to cheer the arrival of fellow students, parents, and teachers. Following their cheer session, the seniors played their class video during morning assembly.

After assembly, the fun really began! The first two hours of school consisted of a huge party in the Centennial Garden with a moon bounce, pizza, ice cream, music, and, the main attraction, the huge homemade waterslide!

Following these festivities, freshmen, sophomores, juniors, faculty, and staff sang songs to the seniors, which resulted in a lot of tears. The seniors then sang a song in gratitude for all that they have learned and achieved at Holton!

The Marshmallow Challenge - Grades 3, 4 and 8 Math Celebration

Today was the first annual Grade 3/Grade 4/Grade 8 Math Celebration! The girls had a blast competing in "The Marshmallow Challenge". This design exercise taught the girls the importance of collaboration, innovation and creativity. With eighteen minutes on the clock, the blended teams of third, fourth and eighth graders set out to build the tallest free-standing structure made out of 20 sticks of spaghetti, one yard of tape, one yard of string, and one marshmallow. The tough part? The marshmallow needs to be on top!