Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Impromptu Bollywood Dance Lesson

Lower School Morning Gathering is typically fun and informative...but the girls were especially delighted with a Bollywood dance lesson from a featured guest on Monday. Yamini, a cousin of a Holton fifth grader, is visiting from Bangalore during her summer vacation and presented a lesson on traditional Indian culture.

Following her presentation, she kicked off her shoes and performed a modern Bollywood dance. After catching her breath, she asked if any of them would like to give it a try and in true Holton fashion the girls jumped to their feet and were ready to go. (As if there was ever any doubt they would want to dance?)

Take a look and see if you can catch on as quickly as they did. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Oh Rats!

All in the name of science...

Our 9th grade biology students spent a little time with a bunch of rats recently. Some of the girls had mixed feelings about dissecting the furry little varmints, but after the initial shock of their magnitude was over (yes, they were that big!) then the students focused on their role as scientist. Several of the groups were surprised to uncover that their rat was expecting. Below, a 9th grade student explains exactly what we are looking at in the reproductive organs of a pregnant rat.



ARCHIVE: April 18, 2013

At "The Scene," we are all so excited to finally get outside and enjoy warmer weather and the beautiful spring blooms. And even though the warm weather was a little slow to arrive, we were certain that spring was on the way just because of the activity around campus. So that gave us an idea - let's create a uniquely Holton list of the...

Top Ten Signs that spring has arrived at Holton-Arms!
10. Our fifth graders rocked the ropes course at their spring overnight to Camp Sheridan last week.
9. Global Education journeys are finalizing their details just in time for their life-changing experiences in June!
8. Mini-mester courses engaged our Middle School girls as they explored interests that could lead to a new found passion.
7. Award season is in full–swing# Scholars, photographers, writers, and athletes, oh my!
6. Lower School students are creating hatcheries for shad. Hey, some schools hatch chicks, but we hatch shad! (More details about this local engagement project soon.)
5. Students, faculty, and staff have been spotted around campus training for the upcoming Panther Scamper 5K race. Lace up your shoes and join the fun!
4. The campus is in tip-top shape thanks in part to our Spring Community Service Day.
3. New family events are in full-swing! And we are delighted to meet our newest Holton girls!
2. The campus is all abuzz with spring sports. Which, by the way, have you heard the buzz surrounding the great article in "The Gazette" about senior LAX player, Anisa LaRochelle? It’s fantastic!

And the number one reason we know spring has arrived at Holton...two words

We can hardly wait to reconnect with our fantastic alumnae! Remember...there is still time to register!

Have a great week (and spring) everyone!

ARCHIVE: March 20, 2013

The staff at the Scene has spring (break) fever! But before you head out for a well-deserved break, we want to tell you a couple of cool things that happened at Holton this week!

Around Campus
The first thing to tell you about was in the making for a few months and we enlisted Lower School Chorus Director and Music Department Chair Ann Vaughn to tell us more:
Together with the Washington Middle School for Girls, we have developed a pilot program to bring the two schools together in a collaborative experience involving the arts in Ghana. This project came about as a result of strategic initiatives on the part of both schools to forge meaningful connections with other schools in the Washington area.

On Tuesday, March 19, the two schools shared what they learned over the last six weeks, and families from both communities were honored guests. We had an art exhibit and short music performance at the Washington Middle School for Girls location at THEARC, a beautiful building in Anacostia that also houses branches of The Corcoran, The Levine School of Music, and The Washington School of Ballet. WMSG students visited Holton as well on February 12 and had lunch, got to know each other, and shared some arts experiences.

Both WMSG and Holton-Arms share overarching fifth grade themes of exploring individual identity and the place of the individual within a community of others. This is a rich theme with so much to consider, from the unique character of each individual student, to two distinct school communities, to the diverse communities of Anacostia and Bethesda within our larger Washington community, to the place of the arts in creating strong communities and bridging global cultural divides.

Thanks Ann for that report. We can’t wait to see what you all do next!

An integral part of the Holton experience is for our students to make meaningful connections – sometimes with others or sometimes with themselves - and both were happening in Middle School during Mini-Mester. Students spent the last week taking a risk and exploring something new in a class of their choice. And what could possibly be riskier than conducting a blind taste-test of baby food with a fellow Middle Schooler? These students explored the anatomy of the human brain and how we use our senses to learn about the world around us in the Mini-Mester course – MindFind. You may be thinking – what does eating baby food, blind-folded have to do with the mind-body connection? But as the students explored they learned how to transform individual interests, ideas, and attitudes into long-term, memorable learning experiences!

The 10th grade students had a memorable learning experience over these past few months as they conquered a long-time Holton rite of passage – the 10th grade term paper and then celebrated with s’mores in Centennial Garden. The paper is a major project demonstrating writing and research skills, but the awesome aspect is that each girl is allowed tremendous flexibility to explore any topic of interest to her. Some of the titles this year included: Organ Trafficking, Autism, Puppy Mills, The Cultural Revolution of China, Assisted Suicide, Birth Order, Princess Diana and the Evolution of her Fashion Sense, Interpretation of Dreams, Steroids in the Olympics, Muppet Diplomacy, and The Impact of Rent on Musical Theater. Talk about some interesting beach reads for the break...

Speaking of spring break, have a great one! Be safe, have fun, and enjoy some time with friends and family.

See you all back on campus on April 2!

ARCHIVE: March 7, 2013

It is our favorite time of year! Don't let the snow yesterday trick you, Spring is right around the corner...we know this because it is time to WELCOME our new Holton families! We are thrilled you are joining our community and we look forward to seeing you around campus soon. Enjoy your first edition of The Scene.

It may not have happened on our campus, but recently our Holton 7th graders ventured over to Landon for a friendly competition in physics - the Landon/Holton Egg Drop. A tradition in the Middle School, this curricular collaboration gives our students an opportunity to work as a team, problem solve, and create a vehicle for an egg to descend safely from the top of a ten foot ladder to the concrete floor below. The students were given masking tape, drinking straws, paper, and 20 minutes to prepare their egg for its downward journey. Holton Middle School Director Tony Shawe and Landon Middle School Director Doug Norry had the honors of "ceremoniously" dropping the eggs from atop side-by-side ladders. Mr. Shawe reported, "There was definitely some training in the off-season, but in the end, the winning team relied on brains, not brawn to get the job done."

Has your 4th grade daughter been asking an inordinate amount of thought-provoking questions? It is probably from the Q&A training she received in Lower School. The 4th grade students prepared thoughtful questions about protecting endangered animals in order to engage in a rich dialog with an expert panel on Tuesday. The event was in conjunction with their "Animals on the Edge" research project inspired by their Social Studies curriculum. The girls were most interested in how animals are affected by environmental issues, how they could help, and baby sea turtles. (Because, really...who doesn't love baby sea turtles?) Ultimately, they learned that in order to protect endangered animals, they must protect their habitats. Get ready to see some new habits forming - saving water, recycling, composting, and don't be surprised if she asks you not to idle in the carpool line.
Thanks to our panel of experts!
  • Glynis Lough, Chief of Staff, National Climate Assessment
  • Macara Lousberg, Director, Water Policy Staff, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  • Karin M. Krchnak, Director, Freshwater, World Wildlife Fund
  • Ted Sears, Senior Project Leader, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • Debra Zeyen, Senior Director Marine Communications, Global Marine Division of Conservation International
Don't think it was all serious, environmental business...the girls did have a break for an energizer and even the experts got in on the action. Check out the moves at the end of the video...rock the mullet!

In Upper School 9th and 10th grade students learned some cool, new moves on their graphing calculators during flex time on Monday. The math department put together activities that integrated mathematical modeling with graphing calculator skills. The girls in the Algebra 2 and Trig classes looked at and modeled data on the number of hours of daylight for several cities around the globe. The goals of this activity were to fit models to data, make predictions, and think about periodic functions. After learning more about the functionality of the graphing calculator, the girls in Algebra 1 and Geometry conducted an experiment with a spring apparatus and weights. By adding weights to a suspended spring they were able to write a mathematical equation that modeled the length of the spring for a given weight added.
Did you catch all of that? If so, bravo! If not, no worries...rumor has it that seven precalculus students added their experience and expertise by serving as teaching assistants. Perhaps they can tutor those of us who need a refresher.

Have a great week everyone!

ARCHIVE: February 20, 2013

At Holton-Arms we are all about sharing the love! And even though Valentine’s Day and Happy Birthday Holton-Arms has passed, the girls are still finding ways to show they care and what better way to show you care than to demonstrate your love for animals, friends, and interpretive dance?
That’s right…dance! The Holton Dance and Drama Department is excited to present the Upper and Middle School Orchesis dancers. In their upcoming performances the dancers are ready to share their passion for dance and this year 11 of the dancers took on the creative task of choreographing a routine. Perhaps they were inspired by their work with guest artist, Amy Marshall, who is a choreographer from New York City or perhaps they were inspired by something they learned in class. No one really knows where inspiration comes from, but one thing is for sure…these young ladies LOVE to dance and it shows!

When you think of what you love, what do you think about? Family? Long walks on the beach? Dark chocolate? Well, ask any of the Lower School girls and besides Holton, of course, their favorite things tend to be of the four-legged kind. And really, who could resist these two furry little friends? Meet the newest members of the Holton Community - Signore Valentino and POTUS (Piggy Of The United States). These little piggies came all the way from a shelter in D.C. on Monday and have found their forever home in the Lower School. Stop by for a visit, but be sure to bring fresh parsley (their favorite snack) and a clear agenda since POTUS is all business. (As he should be.)

If you ask any of the girls in the Middle School what they love, they will tell you Holton teachers, food and their friends! And sometimes they are lucky enough to take part in an activity that involves all three! Like these past few weeks…MS students have collected spare change to raise money for a cause near and dear to a fellow classmate’s heart – Pennies for Patients. Each cent deposited in the boxes in the MS gathering area counts as a “vote” towards a specific “prize” from faculty members and whoever has the most pennies in his or her box at the end of the competition will have to indulge the rest of us.

Here is what is on the line...
  • Tony Shaw will wear a panther costume for an entire day.
  • Gail Whitley will bake cookies for the entire Middle School.
  • Julia Grandison will wear a mismatched outfit.
  • Christopher Wilson will die his hair neon green.
  • Julia Walthall will bake cupcakes for the entire Middle School.
  • Tucker Sowers will wear a Holton uniform to school all day.
  • Alyce Dillion will dress like Princess Leia.
  • Graham Westerberg will perform an interpretive dance and jump in the pool fully clothed.
  • Kristen Edma will dress up like an 80s chick to school.
  • Nicole Mahr will straighten her naturally curley hair.
This competition isn’t just for Middle School students; feel free to rock the vote with your pennies by Friday, February 22.

UPDATE: Tucker Sowers box had the most money!  Be on the look out for a Middle School math instructor in Holton plaid!

Hot Topic
It only happens once a year and it will be here in just a few short days! The Holton-Arms Spring Gala will be on Friday, March 8 and promises to be an evening filled with dining, dancing, and delights! Our beloved Gala committee knows how excited you are so starting this Sunday, February 24, you can preview all of our fabulous auction items on our auction website! Mark your calendar for 5 p.m. on Sunday to be the first to bid! (But check back often because as we all know that it's fun to be first, but it's the last bid that counts!) Make sure to read the online auction instructions so you’ll be ready to place your bids!

ARCHIVE: January 23, 2013

It may look like Saturday Night Fever, but the girls above are blowing off some 'mid-term exam steam' during a much-needed session of Zumba. The Upper School students were treated to a study break last week that included activities to nurture their bodies and their spirits. Holton faculty and staff offered this break from studying for exams as a way to teach the girls a balanced approach to studying. In addition to Zumba, activities included pool games, yoga, a walk around campus, and guided meditation. (Because really...can you think of a better way to find your moment of Zen than by meditating in the Simm's Reception Room?)

Sixty-eight Lower School students and family members found themselves making sandwiches as part of the Lower School Day of Service on Monday. In celebration of Martin Luther King Jr., the girls gathered in the dining hall and under the guidance of Mr. Bane and Ms. Poon made hundreds of sandwiches to be delivered to Martha's Table - a local non-profit dedicated to creating positive outcomes in the lives of others. (Sounds like our kind of place!) Last week at morning gathering the girls learned that Dr. King's definition of greatness is to serve others and we have to all definitely achieved greatness on Monday!

Have a great week and stay warm.

Oh! And if you are looking for something fun to do indoors this weekend why not create a piece of artwork for Mosaic - they are due Monday.

ARCHIVE: December 12, 2012! What could we possibly be counting down in mid-December? No, not New Year's Eve. (Although these ladies at the Upper School Holiday Ball look ready to ring in the New Year.) We are actually counting down the last days of school in 2012! Can you believe it? Only five days of school left until we head out for a long winter's break! So, let's get this Scene started!


At first glance, you might just see a group of girls baking cookies. But take a closer look. As these 4th grade girls make Rain Forest Cookies in class on Monday, they are working as a team, using measurements and mathematical concepts, and exploring ingredients from Latin America - the region they are studying in social studies. Wow! That is one incredible cookie curriculum!

Because, really? Who doesn't love a good collaboration...especially when it involves a rockin' guitar riff? The Middle School students were treated to a visit from musician and novelist, Mary Amato during assembly and several music classes last week. Mary spent time with the girls sharing her secrets to writing a great song. 1. Brainstorm 2. Find a Chord 3. Choose a tempo 4. Develop the "hook". And voila...they will be well on their way to Grammy greatness! (Or at least, well on their way to exploring a new passion for songwriting.)

Hot Topic
Lace up your Skates!
Everyone knows that Holton is all about inspiring girls to lead lives of positive influence. And did you know that the kind of influence we are talking about can be as simple as sharing your passions with those around you? It's true! And the Panther Hockey team is doing just that on Monday! The players and their coaches will share their passion for hockey with an open skate for the entire Holton community at the Cabin John Ice Rink. Check out the Facebook event page for all of the details and bust out the leg-warmers. (Oh yes, they're back!)
Have a great week and we hope to see you on campus soon!

ARCHIVE: November 28, 2012

Can you remember what you were doing at 3:28 a.m. on Saturday, November 17, 2012? More than likely you were sleeping, but these Upper School girls along with some very brave teachers and administrators will always remember what they were doing at that exact moment. They were huddled together on the Holton track gazing at the sky and watching an annual astronomical event known as the Leonid meteor shower. This "star-studded" event started around 10 p.m. with telescope lessons, planet spotting, and a vivid display of the Big Dipper. And in case you don't recall, the temperature dipped below freezing that night. Thankfully, the girls bundled up and were warmed by the sheer excitement of spotting meteors as the Earth passed through debris from Comet Tempel-Tuttle.
Our visitors from Spain aren't just passing through...they are committed to experience all that Holton has to offer. These students and teachers visiting from Colegio Mirabel in Madrid, Spain are attending classes in a variety of subjects and arts disciplines, as well as engaging with our World Language students. If you are thinking, 'this is so cool. I would love to learn more about all of the things Holton does on a daily basis', then you should most definitely follow Holton-Arms on Twitter. Just in the past 24 hours we have tweeted about our visitors from Spain, an expert panel on the recent election, Frock Frenzy, and Grandparents Day photos!
So go ahead, follow us! It's a great way to be engaged in the community and could also be some good fodder for dinner conversations with your daughter.

Hot Topic
Winter Concerts
‘Tis the season for beautiful music and the beloved Holton-Arms Winter Concerts will be here before you know it...literally. Everyone has been busy preparing for all of the upcoming performances and Holton’s Chamber Orchestra had a distinguished guest at their rehearsal last week - Baltimore Symphony Orchestra cellist, Chang Woo Lee.
Instrumental Music instructor Jon Hansen reported to The Scene, “Ms. Lee challenged and inspired the girls to reach for a high level both technically and musically. I know her work will contribute to a memorable performance of the Mozart Symphony 40 and Piano Concerto 21 on our December 6 concert.”
The staff at The Scene is giddy about the next few weeks and we know you feel the same! So be sure to stay tuned to HASNews and the Holton website for dates, times and locations.
Have a great week and we hope to see you on campus soon!

ARCHIVE: November 7, 2012

Holton's Young Democrat and Young Republican clubs hosted an assembly for the Upper School last week on varying political views and how the media can impact public opinion of candidates through parody. Following the assembly student leaders hosted round table discussions about the power of media and tried to foster an awareness for the responsibility we have as media consumers.

With all of that in mind, the Middle School hosted a mock election for the entire school yesterday and we received these results from our field reporter, Middle School History Teacher Steven Cutts:

Bethesda, Maryland. Nov. 6 - Elections officials of The Holton-Arms School Presidential Election released results just after 5:00 p.m. EST this afternoon. 763 ballots were cast among 843 potential voters#.President Obama received 527 votes and Governor Romney 200 votes. No constituency among the electorate gave the Republican candidate a majority of popular votes, so all of Holton’s electoral votes would be cast for Mr. Obama. The Libertarian slate attracted ten votes, and the Green Party garnered twenty-two; there were four write-in votes (Including one for favorite-daughter Yolanda Keener.) There seemed to be no voting irregularities in spite of the first-time use of touch-screen voting. Elections officials credited the Middle School Model UN Club and Mrs. Liz Gouldman for helping to total up the votes so quickly.

Thanks for that special report, Steve! We hope everyone is getting some rest today after the busy election day.

The Panthers have also been busy...busy winning ISL titles! Holton-Arms Varsity Tennis and Varsity Volleyball have both brought home championship trophies! An emphasis is most definitely placed on the triple threat at Holton - we want girls to explore academic and artistic and athletic interests in order to find their passions. And you better believe it was this passion that pushed these teams to victory! (Is that a great photo, or what!?!)

Hot Topic
Faster, Friendlier Carpool
Have you noticed Middle and Upper School carpool moving a little faster this week? We hope so! Our illustrious Administrative Team is out in full-force to not only keep carpool moving along, but to also greet girls on their way to class! It is all part of an initiative to keep students safe, parents happy, and River Road free from traffic jams. (Hey...we can dream, right?)
Carpool Tip of the Day: Have your daughter's belongings next to her in the car and avoid the trunk at all costs. For more information on how to keep carpool moving along, be sure to check out this week's edition of HASNews.
Have a great week!

ARCHIVE: October 10, 2012

Welcome to another edition of The Scene! We hope you are enjoying the school year so far - parent socials, athletic events, back-to-school nights, play rehearsals, AutumnFest - we are in full-swing of another great year at Holton!

There is a great debate going on right now. No...not that debate, (we never cover politics at The Scene) but a debate about which experiential education is better in creating student-centered pedagogy - inside-out or outside-in? Holton has a long history of engaging in the world around us and as we continue to extend our reach to one of global proportions, we want to take a moment and explore this debate.

The girls leave the campus and have an interactive experience under the guidance of our Holton faculty and local educational partners. Take these past few weeks, for instance. Upper School students gleaned produce at a Maryland farm to share crops with with those less fortunate, grade 3 and grade 6 students traveled to Mount Vernon for a history lesson in Colonial America, grade 4 participated in Math on the Mall, and both Middle School grades have now survived, we mean completed, their Outdoor Education programs. (Thank goodness for safety harnesses and s'mores!)
These inside-out educational experiences get girls out of their element, challenge them to look at things in a new way, and also help us build a more symbiotic relationship with the community in which we live.

What do a nun, a children's author, and a former Peace Corp volunteer have in common? They have all been on the Holton Campus this semester to share their experiences with our students. That is exactly what outside-in means - experts from local, national and international communities visit the Holton Campus to share their expertise and experiences with our girls.
Sister Mary Owens humbly shared her passion for helping children who are HIV positive and without parents in Kenya with students in grades 9 through 11. Norton Juster, author of the internationally celebrated children's book, The Phantom Tollbooth, encouraged Lower School girls to never limit themselves and to know that "anything is possible." Susi Wyss '82 shared stories from her real life and how her time spent in the Ivory Coast as a child and then later in the Central African Republic as a Peace Corp volunteer helped shape her identity and her new novel, The Civilized World.
These outside-in educational experiences expose girls to intriguing and interesting visitors, engage them in conversations beyond the classroom, and create a flexible and joyful learning environment.
Wow! It seems that no matter which side you choose...we all win!

Hot Topic
A community that plays together, stays together! And if you haven't noticed...we really like spending time together in the Holton Community. Which brings us to the Hot Topic of the week - calendars. Paper, digital or somewhere in-between, we all have to stay on top of our activities and we hope The Holton Calendar will help make your life just a little bit easier. You can use it as you please - RSS feeds, iCal feeds or as a source to keep your paper planner up-to-date. If it is a Holton event - it's on The Holton Calendar!Fair warning...there is always something cool going on at Holton, so be sure to pace yourself - we have 238 days until Commencement!

Have a great week!

ARCHIVE: September 19, 2012

girls looking at new Holton-Arms dining room
Around Campus
Surprise! You have a new dining room! Can you think of a better way to start your day than with a shiny new dining room, jamming music, blue and white donuts, and 322 of your closet friends? We can’t either. So that's how we surprised the Upper School girls Friday morning before they headed off to their retreats. If you haven’t heard by now… our new, state-of-the-art, highly anticipated, acoustically sound, dining room is now open for business! We passed our final inspection this morning and the hot line and salad bar served an inaugural spaghetti and meatball lunch fit for a queen!
As far as class retreats go, we hope your Upper School girl has told you all about her adventures last week. Each class bonded in different ways…balloon sculptures, bowling, ropes courses and even community service. The Class of 2013 spent the day at Shaw Community School in Northwest D.C. painting, cleaning, and repairing. It just goes to show that even in our 112th school year we are still living out Mrs. Holton’s vision of “committing to others.”
Honoring our history is something we take great pride in at Holton. Last week, the third grade students were treated to a special guest teacher for their first installment of Holton-Arms history. Head of School Susanna Jones spent time telling stories about Mrs. Holton, Ms. Arms and lots of other men and women who are vital to the history of our beloved school. In true Holton girl fashion, they were filled with curiosity and asked loads of questions. But, the one question the girls couldn't stop talking about was, “What was our mascot before the panther?” Do you know? (Hint: it shares the first three letters of the last name of a Holton founder.) Did you get it? Armadillo! Yes, at one point we were the Holton-Arms Armadillos. Try spelling that out in a cheer!
Give me an S! Give me a K! Give me an I! Give me a T! What’s that spell? SKIT! If you haven’t noticed, we love to have fun at Holton. And anytime there is an opportunity to convey a message in skit form, we are all over it. The Middle School faculty and staff put on several skits during assembly to teach the girls about the various ways you should NOT act and dress at school. The girls had fun playing “Name that Violation” and from the looks of it, the teachers enjoyed it, too.
Hot Topic
Student-centered learning, blended learning, experiential learning…there are all sorts of “learnings” out there. And if you are a little confused that is perfectly ok, because at Holton we are lucky to have some of the leading experts on innovations in teaching and learning. In fact, Lower School Design Tech Teacher Linda Caleb is currently featured in the National Association Independent Schools Stories of Excellence and she is also quoted in a recent article on the flipped classroom that appears in the September-October issue of Net Assets magazine. What in the world, you may ask, is a flipped classroom? Read the article and find out! And if you want to flip for yourself, watch Linda’s lesson on kinetic and potential energy. You will never look at Wile E. Coyote the same way again.
Thanks for checking out The Scene* at Holton!